Timeshare Presentation Tips

By Matti Pennington

If you’ve never attended a timeshare presentation before, it can be an exciting experience to learn more about vacation ownership.

Some people will attend just to receive a free gift or discount, while others are genuinely interested in buying a timeshare. Either way, we have some tips that can help!

At most resorts in Orlando, Las Vegas, Hawaii, and other top destinations, there is usually a sales representative that will take guests for around 90 minutes to sell them a timeshare interest.

If you would like to buy a timeshare directly from the developer, usually attending a timeshare presentation is the only way to do so. A representative will give attendees tours and answer questions.

1. If you go into a presentation without the intent to buy a timeshare, you do not have to change your mind then and there. Don't buy right away take the time to do more research.

2. Come prepared with questions. Vacation ownership programs can be quite complex, and the real value of timeshares comes from using them!

3. Check the timeshare resale market. Oftentimes, you can find similar timeshares for sale from top developers and resorts at a much lower price point on the resale market.

4. Don’t forget about timeshare maintenance fees. Paying ahead for a lifetime of vacations helps keep travel costs low, even with maintenance fees.

5. Remember the right of rescission period. Each state allows a grace period after you buy a timeshare to effectively cancel the contract should you change your mind.

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