May 2023 Average DVC Resale Price Per Point

By Matti Pennington

If you are considering selling or purchasing DVC points from the resale market, it’s crucial to keep an eye out for trends and prices.

Buying or selling DVC points?

Let's take a look at some highlights of Fidelity's May 2023 Average DVC Resale Price Per Point, so you can be informed! 

Keep in mind; contract size affects the price per point. Small contracts often have a higher cost per point than larger contracts!

For example, in May 2023, a contract under 100 pts at Animal Kingdom Villas was $122.50/point. A contract with over 200 points at the same resort was $102.93/point.

On average, the resale price per point for DVC in May 2023 was $103.74, compared to the previous year’s average of $134.93.

Fidelity helps buyers get DVC contracts for a fraction of the price. For example, in may 2023, Bay Lake Tower resale contracts were an average of $127.02/point cheaper than directly.

There’s an exciting addition to the culinary scene as Roundup Rodeo BBQ recently made its debut in Toy Story Land within Hollywood Studios. Come hungry because the food is fabulous.

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